What Lies Below? The Hidden Cost of Excavation

Are you having issues with your existing below ground piping? Slow or no flow? Sinkholes? Ponding? Backups? Before you start excavating to try and solve your problems, there are many basic questions that should be answered, like: 

  • Is the problem in or around a unit?
  • How deep are the pipes?
  • Are there other pipes or utilities above or below the pipe(s) that are causing the issue?
  • Are there any overhead concerns that need to be considered? 
  • Is the pipe(s) under a railway, roadway, waterway, or other challenging feature?

Other questions might not seem as obvious, such as:

  • Do we have room to dig wider if needed?
  • Do we have the right team to fix the issue?
  • How fast can they start and how long do they estimate it will take to finish?
  • Is their work guaranteed to solve the issue?

Not having all the answers to these questions could mean a protracted timeline, more risks, and being over budget. At Motivo Group, we’ve “Been there and seen that” – as the saying goes, this isn’t our first rodeo. Even if you think you have these questions answered, when you break ground, all bets are off… meaning, you don’t know what you don’t know.

To mitigate your risks, you might want to consider our solution – a Phase Zero. This proven process will ensure that the project is done safely, quickly, on budget, and most of all, guaranteed to provide a long lasting solution.

Starting at Phase Zero, we perform an above ground assessment and:

  • Review pipeline drawings
  • Interview your relevant plant staff and contractors to gain knowledge about your pipelines
  • Conduct a visual inspection of each pipe access location
  • Create Preliminary System Documentation, where we open each pipe access location and measure gas levels, identify water levels, and inspect for access
  • Access configurations to inspect and gather information to develop the best plan of attack in which to clean the mainline and inspect it
  • Create a plan to solve your most pressing challenges

The Motivo Group’s trenchless solutions, along with our comprehensive planning process, will save you time and money, as well as decrease your risks. For a no BS, no pressure conversation, give the guys at Motivo Group a call.